Yoga courses
Sign up for one of my courses, live or on catch-up!
This is the second year that I've run this 4-week course and it's been hugely popular. I'm happy to say it's back!
Intro to Yoga 4-week course is for you if…
* You’ve been meaning to get into yoga but don’t know where to start
* You’ve done yoga before but got out of the habit
* You want to be more flexible and improve your joint mobility
* You want to master the basics and gain yoga confidence
* You've been doing yoga for a while and want to refine your technique (I learned so much doing the course myself even after 20 years of yoga. There's huge value in going back to basics)
* You’ve heard how good yoga makes you feel!
WHAT WILL I LEARN? Gain confidence in yoga, learn all the fundamentals to begin or restart your yoga journey. Each class builds on the previous one, covering poses such as warrior, triangle, down dog, twists, tree, bridge and basic sun salutations and breath work. After the course, my Yoga Foundations classes every Friday 12.30 BST (also on catch-up) are the perfect follow-on.
DO I NEED TO BE FLEXIBLE TO DO YOGA? No that's a complete myth. In fact, if you are stiff, you are the perfect candidate. Yoga will help you gain more strength, stability and space in your body and mind – not so that you can win a toe-touching competition, but so you can have a better time being you!
I’ll show you how to adapt the poses for common issues such as tight hips and lower back and I’ll be on hand after class yo answer your questions. Find me also via email and Instagram @victoriawoodhall.
– starts 21st September
WHAT IS IT? Rocket yoga loves an arm balance: they are playful, demand your full attention (no time to think about your shopping!) and remind you that you are stronger than you think. Everyone can start somewhere, you don't need to be able to do crow pose already, for example.
This workshop over 2 weeks, provides buildable techniques for all levels. It's helpful if you've done a Rocket class before (plenty in my video library for you to try) but not essential.
* Live and on-demand: £28 for both sessions
* Saturdays 21 & 28 September, 11am BST.
* 60 minutes each class
Side note: I taught my dad to do crow pose on his 79th birthday - it's never too late to start! So if you want to progress your crow pose, perfect your ashtavakrasana (crazy eight pose), break down your bhujapidasana (shoulder pressure pose), pop up to pincha (forearm stand) or even try a handstand (yes, you can!) sign up below.
Rocket Yoga
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